Monday, November 17, 2008

'twas such a nice day

Yesterday was a "summer" day. It got up to 85 degrees and light wind. What better weather could you hope for to take out the boat for a spin. Went to lake San Antonio again because it's the closest lake (55 miles away) and I can do a day run. Was really good, hitting that zen like haiku moment when the third beer kicked in and maintained it through a tank plus an additional 5 gallons. (3 1/2 hours on the water)= 6.5 gals per hour....seems pretty good mileage considering it's got a V-8 under the hatch.

1 comment:

Sage Ravenwood said...

I'm afraid, it won't be 85 here until next summer. I do enjoy the seasonal changes here. I spent 9 years in Fla. That was enough for me. (Hugs)Indigo